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While developing ocean tourism, Miaoli advocates slow fish movement

Release date:2020-11-05Number of Readers:714

In conjunction with environmental protection, Miaoli promotes slow fish movement - “knowing about fish, eating fish, and telling stories of fish.”

On November 1, the International Culture and Tourism Bureau of Miaoli County held an event at Longfeng Fishery Port on what has been achieved through the movement. The event took five themes - blue ocean, blue education, blue organizations, traditional fishing, and blue tourism. Slow fish workshops and a slow fish market were held. The results of blue education at schools, ocean-waste art by community members, slow fish cuisine, and fishery products were also on display. Finally, secretary-general Chen Pin-shan and the other attending officials raised a fishery flag which symbolizes a good harvest and prosperity of the ocean tourism industry in Miaoli.

To promote the Slow Fish Coastal Movement

Miaoli Slow Fish Sports Achievement Sharing Session

People have a sandboard experience at the scene.

Miaoli Slow Fish Sports Achievement Sharing Session

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Last updated on: 2020-11-23
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