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Orange trumpetvine flowers are blooming in Miaoli

Release date:2020-01-08Number of Readers:1167

Tongluo Eco Park is highly famous for orange trumpetvine flowers. The orange-red flowers are known as “firecracker flowers” in Chinese, not only for their color but also for their shape. The flowers bloom from January to early March, and they are seen as symbols of auspiciousness and wealth. This makes the park a must-visit during the lunar New Year.

Other than Tongluo Eco Park, the area beside Taixing Bridge by the road leading to Daxingshan TEmple of Jiouhua Mountain in Tongluo, as well as the “flower wall” beside Tongshan Temple of Gongguan, are recommended flower-watching spots loved by visitors. Please go and enjoy the flowers!

Orange trumpetvine flowers are blooming in Miaoli

(Data source:The Liberty Timest)

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Last updated on: 2020-01-22
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