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In response to International Museum Day, Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum will offer entrance discounts on May 18

Release date:2023-05-16Number of Readers:419

International Museum Day is coming, and visitors can buy discounted tickets for NT$50 at the Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum on May 18.

The annual theme set by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) for International Museum Day in 2023 is "Museums, Sustainability and Health and Well-being." In order to respond to related sustainable development and climate change, the Wood Sculpture Museum launched an energy-saving project in 2021 and has received funding from the Ministry of Culture to replace outdated energy-consuming electromechanical equipment each year. It also contributes to environmental sustainability through energy conservation and carbon reduction. The Woodcarving Museum seeks to develop the woodcarving industry and promote art, as well as integrate woodcarving skills with the wider world as a way of ensuring Taiwan's woodcarving crafts are passed on to the next generation.

The Wood Sculpture Museum is currently exhibiting a group exhibition of works by members of the Taiwan Wood Sculpture Association. This showcases recent pieces from Sanyi to people from across Taiwan. Visitors are welcome to come and enjoy the wide ranging diversity and sustainability of Taiwan wood carving art.

The Wood Sculpture Museum is currently exhibiting a group exhibition of works by members of the Taiwan Wood Sculpture Association.

This showcases recent pieces from Sanyi to people from across Taiwan.

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Last updated on: 2023-05-31
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